Friday, March 18, 2011

Well its the day after st. pattys day...what did I do last night absolutely nothing!!!  Didnt drink green beer or dance an Irish jig.  Instead sister came over and we watched Jersey Shore, Yes I wasted my brain cells on that show.  Sister just got out of a relationship a couple of days ago.  So she has been pretty upset about that douche bag.  Honestly I never really like the guy, he wasnt the most friendliest fella.  Thats a whole other story....believe me!!  My sister is really wanting to go to Nashville today and shop, I could care less about being in a car for 3 hours.  Shopping wouldnt be bad but riding in the car sucks!! I could go for some cheesecake factory for dinner, love that place its AMAZING!!! I guess you will find out if I ended up going to Nashville tomorrow!!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Coming home~St. Pattys Day!!

Sister called me this morning....around 12 haha so what its my spring break!! Well she called me to tell me to watch this show Im Coming Home.  Its about soldiers literally coming home and surprising their families, 3 min in and Im already crying!  I have a best friend her hubby is in the Air Force and he is stationed in Saudi Arabia right now.  They had just gotten married then I think 2 or 3 months later he had to leaveOn a good note he will be home very very soon!!!!!! BTW notice the green font well its St. Pattys day WOOP WOOP!! 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

First blog ever!!

Well I guess there is no better way to start this than to just start typing away!!! I have read a couple other blogs and it got me wanting to start my own.  Im on my spring break right now woo hoo!! Im sure your wondering why the heck Im blogging right now then well....because I didnt go anywhere for my vaca unfortunately. Its actually nice just to relax at home and not have to worry about class or work for once.  I cant wait till the day Im done with school, I call myself a professional student.  Im pretty much on the 7 year plan.  At least Im getting it done......hopefully.  School is actually been pretty stressful, especially my math class Im just not good at it.  Im better at art and design, thats what my associates degree is in.  Design is really what my passion is.